So they find some emails and all the sudden global warming isn't happening? It doesn't surprise me that there are some dishonest and biased scientists, but there is a large body of evidence supporting the global climates changes we have been observing. Birds fly south later and come back north earlier, polar can't hunt because sea ice is declining, plants and animals are expanding their range northward - these facts cannot be disputed. However, the amount of impact from anthropogenic sources can be disputed, but I still think that to think that there is no consequence from pumping tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is delusional. We know that one of the main factors that makes earth inhabitable versus Mars or Venus is the presence of greenhouse gases that trap radiation and moderate the planet's temperature.
I did some modeling for my turtle research, granted it was much more rudimentary, but I did have to understand and state all the caveats to the process and frankly, it is all a bunch of bullshit. So that the climate changes models are incorrect is not surprising at the least. However, there is still a lot of evidence that says the climate is slowly warming, even if average temperatures seem to be holding steady lately. The climate is warming, there is little debate over that. The question is, how much, if any, effect do humans have on altering the natural processes related to climate? To that I would repeat, to think that there is no consequence from pumping tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is delusional. It is gonna catch up to us someday.
Furthermore, there are many other reasons to phase out fossil fuels - pollution, political instability, long term availability, etc. The combustion engine is so inefficient, and burning coal, isn't that what people used to heat their homes before electricity? This is how far we have progressed? I find it amazing that we don't move away from burning fossil fuels simply because the alternative is much cheaper. For example, there is a free source of energy that comes up every morning. Hopefully, someday when energy is basically free and widely available, mankind will look back at our primitive sources of energy and think how dumb we were.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Global warming debunked?
Posted by
Illinois Botanizer
3:20 AM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Big Trucks and Bud Light
I love meeting different people and I have had a diverse enough life to the extent that I can relate to a little bit about everybody. I've been talking with my neighbor Ben lately, or more accurately the son of my neighbor. I first met him when I noticed him standing inside the engine compartment of his 1979 Ford Pickup 4x4. "Gonna hafta pull 'er," he said, referring the clutch assembly.
The other day he helped pull my car out of the driveway after a snowstorm. The damn city apparently feels our taxes are inadequate and neglected the plow our alley. After a lot of loud engine revving and spinning tires, we succeeded. I invited him over to check out pictures of my 1968 Bronco and shoot the shit. Then he asked me, "Hey, what kind of beer do you like?" I told him I liked light beer, and lagers, then I realized what he really meant was do I prefer Budweiser or Miller. "I like Bud Light," he told me and I said I was down with that.
Ben is a truck driver and after running long hauls for years, he now runs coal locally. Gets paid by the ton he said and on a good week can clear $750. I told him that's comparable to what I make and I have a master's degree. He got a real kick out of that.
He wears a "redneck by choice" hat and used the expression, "it was like shitting in a field of tall cotton," referring I assume to something pleasurable. I thought it was hilarious. And I am far enough south that the real locals have a slight southern drawl and I think that makes it sound even funnier. Just like people laugh when I say "Minnesota."
Posted by
Illinois Botanizer
11:54 PM